Using CHATGPT in text summarization

Using CHATGPT in text summarization   

In this article, we are going to deal with chatgpt and text summarization. Well, ChatGPT can

summarize text by analyzing a given text and identifying the most critical information or key points that translate the content. Furthermore , some different approaches and techniques can be used for text summarization. Still, some of the most common ones include the following steps:

    The first approach is Extraction-based summarization. It includes selecting the most relevant sentences or phrases from the original text and combining them to create a summary . ChatGPT can use algorithms such asterm frequency-inverse document frequency or TextRank to determine the most important sentences.

    The second approach is named Abstraction-based summarization . It involves generating new sentences that capture the essence of the original text. ChatGPT can use natural language processing (NLP), that goes for Natural Language Processing, and machine learning algorithms to define key concepts and generate a summary.

    The last technique is a hybrid summarization .This approach combines extraction and abstraction techniques to create a more accurate and comprehensive resume. 

    To sum up , ChatGPT can complete text summaries ,whether they are paid or free, by leveraging its understanding of the vocabulary and advanced algorithms . So using CHATGPT for text summaries is really an easy task to do  , and it's time-saving.
