ChatGPT is merely a speck in the massive universe of AI. I've studied 1000s of new AI tool releases over the past 2 months. Here's 8 new state-of-the-art AI websites that'll do your work for you:
Create beautiful & professional presentations in just minutes.
Just type in the title of your presentation, and Decktopus AI will handle the rest.
This is a great tool to save time & impress your coworkers & bosses.
Meet your incredibly smart personal assistant for browsing the web.
Monica is a ChatGPT copilot in Chrome, which can help you: • Summarize articles
• Translate text
• Define words
And more.
Just tap "Command + M" & It's there to help.
If you get anxious before:
• Interviews
• Presentations
• Public speaking Then Poised AI is here to rescue you. It's a personal communication coach that gives real-time feedback to help you speak with more energy, clarity, & confidence.
This AI tool helps you create beautiful images for your brand, such as:
• Logos
• Wallpaper
• Book covers
• Stock images
And plenty more. The customized images will 100% up the quality of your brand design.
Upload a PDF and ask it questions. It's simple, straightforward, and great to learn information from:
• Reports
• Textbooks
• Documents
Students & employees will especially love this
Excel & Google spreadsheets are incredibly tedious work.
Luckily, this AI tool will write the formulas for you. Sheets+ can save you 80% of your time by translating text into formulas.
Fill out a short questionnaire about your business, and 10Web will build an entire Wordpress website for you. This brilliant AI tool generates everything:
• Copy
• Images
• Content
After the generation, you can edit it to your liking.
AutoGPT's are all the rage right now, and this is among the best ones out there.
Give your agent a goal and it'll autonomously give itself tasks, browse the web, and execute it for you.
What do you have to do? Just watch it in amazement.
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